Ayurvedic Way Of Treating Fevers!!!
Ayurveda an ancient healing system refers fever as jwara, a condition in which the body temperature goes beyond the normal temperature and is characterized by disturbance in normal functioning of the system.It believes that it is due to disruption of any one or all the doshas or energy fields within the body system and if not attended immediately might damage other parts of the body.
The main symptoms of fever are:
A raise in body temperature, chilly, sore throat, body stiffness, muscle aches, headache, disturbed digestion, lack of appetite etc.
Improper agni (digestive fire) leads to indigestion resulting in ama (toxins) which blocks the channels in the body which further leads to the blocking of the fire in different tissues resulting in fever.
Fever according to Ayurveda occurs when the digestive fire (agni) and digestive toxins (ama) which are normally found within the gastrointestinal tract are thrown out of their place by disrupted doshas and then they overflow into the blood and lymphatic system.Its circulation in the body causes the typical symptoms like high temperature, heaviness etc.Because of this the tridoshas are further irritated and it spreads throughout the blood stream.When supplemented with its own heat plus the heat of the misplaced agni, the temperature of
the body raises and causes the symptoms of fever.During a high body temperature, Ayurveda suggests to have a cold sponging, an easily digestible liquid diet and a complete rest.
Ayurveda, a holistic medical system, emphasizes that fever is due to toxicity in the rasa dhatu (the body 's basic vital tissue) and manages fever by: Fasting (langana), Sweating (swedana), Time-Waiting/Patience (kala), Light diet (yavagu), Bitter drugs (tikta bheshajam) and Detoxification (ama pachana), Yogasana.
The treatment depends on the duration, the cause of the fever and the other symptoms that accompany it.
2.Sweating - One can drink a simple spicy tea to induce sweat or he can be covered with a blanket so that he is made to sweat as this process clears toxins, raises the body temperature that kills the virus and normalizes the body temperature.
3.Light Diet - After the body achieves the normal temperature he should take light diet of fresh fruits and lightly cooked vegetables.
4.Bitter Ayurvedic drugs - Burns ama, increases the white blood cell count which help the body to fight infections.Jwarhar Vati, Laxmi vilas Ras, Lathakaranja Churna, Anand Bhairav rasa, Sutashekara Rasa, Panchatikhta Ghana Vati, Mahasudarshan vati, Sanshamani vati, Sanjivani Vati and Tribhuwanakirti Ras are various Ayurvedic formulations used to treat various types of fevers.Herbs that are useful in treating fever include leaves of Tulsi (Holy Basil), Bilva( Bael), Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata).Turmeric, Black Pepper, Giloy, Chirayita along with bark of Cinchona Officinalis and Neem are also used to treat various types of fevers including malarial fevers.
5.After fever the patient is advised to undergo a Detoxification (mild purgative regime -Panchakarma) treatment as it expels remaining ama and strengthens the digestive system.Then he undergoes a preventive regime which will reduce the chances of recurrence of fever.
6.It also suggests yogasana like suryasana and matsyasana to be practiced to pacify the aggravated pitta dosha which is the root cause of fever and meditation helps to deal with fever with a balanced and clarify of mind.