We all know Epsom salt to be an effective laxative, i.e. it helps us in clearing our bowels. Epsom salt is a common home remedy for those suffering from constipation or hard stools. But, now recent research shows that regular consumption of Epsom salt may help in lowering our blood pressure naturally - the reason? Epsom salt is chemically known as Magnesium Sulphate, i.e. it is a salt of magnesium, just as common salt or Sodium Chloride is a salt of Sodium, which is linked to high blood pressure.
Magnesium has shown to be an unsung hero when it comes to
heart health and lowering blood pressure naturally. One sudy examined 1,173 individuals that observed magnesium’s effects on systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure. The mean duration of treatment was 11.3 weeks, and the mean daily dosage was 410 mg. Researchers found that the average reduction for systolic blood pressure was 3–4 mmHg and 2–3 mmHg for diastolic.You can boost your levels of magnesium — and decrease your blood pressure naturally — by reducing stress, consuming foods rich in magnesium, and by regular consumption of Epsom salt
Foods rich in magnesium include whole grains, seafood, leafy green vegetables, tofu, kelp, brown rice, figs, bananas, apricots, seeds and nuts. But, consuming one teaspoon of Espom salt every night before going to bed can go a long way in helping you to maintain a healthy blood pressure and a healthy heart.